Magic and 6th sense

September 30th, 2009

A Framework for Personalized e-Learning Environments

September 30th, 2009


Recognizing that technology should play a major role in the education processes, many research and development efforts have been put into the development of innovative technology-enhanced learning systems.

But Course Management Systems, Learning Management Systems and Virtual Learning Environments have never given a satisfactory answer to the challenge of providing tools widely accepted by both educators and students to enhance the education process.

For a number of reasons, many times those tools seemed to be simultaneously too complicated on the teacher side and too old fashioned on the student side, to be easily accepted. At the same time these learning environments are more another information system, organization centred or content driven, forgetting the way the end user learns and interacts.

Now that our full lifestyle is being transformed by mobile phones and Internet communications, Personal Learning Environments seem to be the answer to this challenge, providing personalized desktops to students where a variety of resources are integrated to suit the requirements of each student and social networks and social media are also connected in a meaningful way.

We intend to discuss the different views that can be adopted and to propose a framework for the construction of such environments.



September 30th, 2009

This conference is on Technology Enhanced Learning and this workshop is on Future Learning Landscapes. Although the word learning is used every other sentence, it seems that most of what is said is on technology. Some questions:
What is learning? Who is that learner evryone talks of? Is user-driven always good? Is it good that everybody is saying to everybody what s/he is doing, and that everybody is able to see what others are doing?
What is the difference between knowledge and (trivial) information?
Are technologies/media extensions of our senses and our brains, and if so should technology converge to human function?
What about formal education? How can education in schools co-evolve with all new possibilities for sensing, acting and thinking using all these technologies and ‘environments’? Why are we here in a traditional learning environment in which experts frontally transmit information?


September 30th, 2009

will the presentations of the workshop be made available on this site? Henk

Hello Researchers!

September 16th, 2009

Welcome to:

Future Learning Landscapes:

Towards the Convergence of Pervasive and Contextual computing,

Global Social Media and Semantic Web

in Technology Enhanced Learning

EC-TEL 2009, Nice September 29th – October 2nd, 2009

Just another Learning Weblogs. Start blogging!

September 2009
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