Context-Awareness Model Practical Work

July 7th, 2009

The main goal of this practical work is to understand adaptation principles in a context-awareness environnment.

There are a new students or summer school participants at Telecom Bretagne. They need to discover their new environment according to the following topics:

  1. Sport & Leisure
  2. Culture & Architecture
  3. A day at Telecom Bretagne
  4. Sustainable Campus

As they are in a high technological environment, an ubiquitous learning environment is able to guide them on the campus.

  1. Could you imagine a context aware scenario to discover the school. For instance, instead of using 2D QR Code to get relevant contents (information), the ubiquitous environment could provide it according to the context (localisation, user preferences, time, weather forecast, tide, beer barrel level (Kwak or not Kwak!!!), type of motorcyles or cars, social networks, closely related people, language, …). Thus, the main goal is to select the appropriate content by comparing content and context features.
  2. Define a set of context and content features according to the chosen topics.
  3. For adaptation purpose, Write adaptation rules in natural language to fit the scenario.
  4. Each group exposes a solution and pulish it on the blog.

Semantic Web Practical Work

July 7th, 2009

The practical work is divided into two parts:

  1. The first one is about
  • A family Ontology and  sparql language and queries in the environment Protégé
  • Reasoning on the family ontology with the Jena inference engine. You have to write new rules and to expose your rules to others and to post them on the famous blog.
  • Necessary Resources : summerSchoolAtelier subject, family rules, family queries, type the following URL to download the content
  1. The second one (optional) is about querying Dbpedia with sparql language on the Snorql website  of dbpedia,,      Query file SPARQL_Queries

Test about components for a mobile learning task

July 6th, 2009

iFrame don’t work with my account WordPress 🙁


July 6th, 2009

This is a simple test for Google Gadget Visualisation. May serve for Mobile Learning Applications !

Prototype your application with Mashups

July 6th, 2009

This post is about a practice showing how Documents, Mashups, components may be easily combined.

The slides are on slideshare and may be seen directly here:

Add this for the form : “Loading…” It should give this : Another iframe : Wishwall for collaboration : Chargement… You may add videos, slideshare, … that way ! Compute your datas, via another computer:

  • Agregate datas
  • Use a spreadsheet, give results through gadget :

You are who have given your location ( see ) A Cloud tag of those location :

more mobile learning

July 6th, 2009

Another website to look at

Sustainable Devt. treasure hunt 2

July 5th, 2009

First we searched for an example of sustainable development in the Life Centre. We found these recycling bins.

Recycling bins

Recycling bins

Then we did a Mastermind competition using model cars with RFID chips. We got it in 8 attempts.



We headed outside looking for a meadow of multicoloured wild flowers.

Treasure hunters in a meadow

Treasure hunters in a meadow

They asked our opinion of this. A multicoloured greenwash.

Solar panels

Solar panels

Wooden building

Wooden building

Culture Treasure Hunt – Session 2

July 5th, 2009

We had to find the greastest cultural places of the campus (at least as nice as Acropolis 🙂 ).

First step:

We had to find the amphiteatre (the very place of culture)

amphiteatre Pierre-Alain Devijver

In this amphiteatre we have talked to Roger Rabbit, and we took time to watch a great Greek tragedy.

Second Step:

Our new mission was to find a couple of birds (and not the two geeks in the amphiteatre 😉 ) and to fight against the Master Mind.

birds mission

At least worth a Michel-Angelo with its Sixtine thing…

Then we had to follow the music to find and fight the Master Mind. We managed to win in two shots (no more no less).

Third Step:

We had to take a picture of a wooden building (a nice example of sustainable construction):

wooden eco building

Fourth Step:

We had to find a snooker (yes, it is still really a cultural thing, at least on this campus).

evil snooker

This is for night cultural use only … and we’ll wait for you there tonight.

Treasure Hunt, session 2 – Campus life

July 5th, 2009

A digital orientation tour is much more fun. We enjoyed walking and hunting unanticipated hints. We also enjoyed playing the Master Mind game. Yes, we had some technical problems with the camera and screen in the sun and in the darkness, and also with the wireless coverage. But this made us reflect on the problems, try to solve them and finish the quest.

We learnt a bit about campus life in Brest, and we realized how important it is to have a grill.


July 5th, 2009

Welcome to the daily life of students at institute Telecom Bretagne.


Laundry room

If the sun shining, we can eat outside


barbecue area

But if it’s raining we have another option : in the restaurant


Campus Restaurant

After the meal, we take a coffee at the life center.


Life center