Context-Awareness Model Practical Work

The main goal of this practical work is to understand adaptation principles in a context-awareness environnment.

There are a new students or summer school participants at Telecom Bretagne. They need to discover their new environment according to the following topics:

  1. Sport & Leisure
  2. Culture & Architecture
  3. A day at Telecom Bretagne
  4. Sustainable Campus

As they are in a high technological environment, an ubiquitous learning environment is able to guide them on the campus.

  1. Could you imagine a context aware scenario to discover the school. For instance, instead of using 2D QR Code to get relevant contents (information), the ubiquitous environment could provide it according to the context (localisation, user preferences, time, weather forecast, tide, beer barrel level (Kwak or not Kwak!!!), type of motorcyles or cars, social networks, closely related people, language, …). Thus, the main goal is to select the appropriate content by comparing content and context features.
  2. Define a set of context and content features according to the chosen topics.
  3. For adaptation purpose, Write adaptation rules in natural language to fit the scenario.
  4. Each group exposes a solution and pulish it on the blog.

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